S H I F T   L A B S

A place for human-centered innovation and developing
practical skills for curious minds.



What we do

Shift Labs is a dynamic space where play, innovation, and entrepreneurship converge to inspire transformative change. 

Our commitment to radical innovation extends beyond business success; we're dedicated to developing applied skills for curious minds, equipping individuals with the tools to navigate an ever-changing world with confidence and resilience. 

We welcome diverse ideas, creators, and perspectives to break down barriers, tear down walls, and open doors wide.

To shift towards a brighter future.


How we do it

Human centered innovation, venture creation, experimental play


T H E   L A B S

Shift Retail Lab

The VCU Shift Retail Lab provides a dynamic space for emerging entrepreneurs to test their ideas through sales and direct customer feedback. This alternative type of retail offers a lab-type approach for creative thinkers and doers from a wide range of backgrounds to put their ideas into action. 

Learn More

shelfie projects are displayed on wall shelving at VCU Shift Retail Lab


Coming Soon...

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Healthcare Lab

Media Lab

Education Lab

Food Lab

Leadership Lab

Life Lab


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